Addiction Services
Crisis Intervention
An intervention is a professionally staged event geared towards helping the family members and close friends of an addict or alcoholic prompt their loved one to seek treatment. Addiction is a complicated condition. People who struggle with addiction eventually lose control of their substance use. The chemical makeup of their brains begins to change, and substance use becomes entirely compulsive. Soon, people who suffer from addiction begin prioritizing their substance of choice over even the most basic human needs — food, water, sleep and shelter. Watching a loved one go down this self-destructive path can be painful and frustrating. You might feel as if you have hit a dead end; as if you have completely run out of options. How can you help someone who refuses help in any form?
This is where professionally staged interventions come into play. At Princeton Detox & Recovery Center we offer intervention services to help families confront their addicted loved one in the most effective, compassionate way possible. We have a tremendous track record for helping get reluctant individuals to commit to treatment. To learn more or to be put in touch with one of our experienced, professional interventionists, contact us today.
What is an Intervention?
An intervention should not happen spontaneously. You might feel compelled to confront a loved one who has been struggling with addiction, to sit them down and say, “Hey, I’m worried about you. You really need to get it together and stop killing yourself.” If you attempt to confront a loved one without planning a professionally staged intervention there is a good chance you could accidentally push them further away. People who are in the grasp of a life-threatening substance abuse disorder are typically rendered incapable of thinking clearly or making rational decisions. An intervention is a carefully planned process designed to gently prompt an addicted person to seek treatment while offering them support and encouragement. Interventions should always be facilitated by an experienced professional, who works with the family members and close friends of the addict or alcoholic in developing a multi-staged plan of action. During the intervention, a small and intimate group gathers together and presents treatment options which can be taken advantage of the same day.
The Intervention:
- Lays out how close friends and relatives have been negatively impacted by the addiction without placing the blame, accusing or getting angry.
- Helps spell out which boundaries are going to be set, and helps the loved ones of the addict or alcoholic maintain these boundaries once the intervention has concluded.
- Presents the addict or alcoholic with a very specific treatment plan, and encourages them to take advantage of this plan the very same day.
In many cases, a professionally staged intervention provides someone who has been struggling with addiction with the extra push they need to enter treatment. However, even if the person refuses treatment the same day, the seed has been planted and they know where to turn when things get out of hand. To learn more about the process or to be put in touch with an experienced interventionist in the Guardian Recovery Network, contact us today.
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The Stages of an Intervention
There are several distinct stages involved in the intervention process. The first step, of course, is reaching out for help. As soon as you make the decision to contact us we will put you in touch with one of our experienced interventionists, who will then take the reins and guide you through the remainder of the process. Traditionally, the remainder of the steps are as follows:
- Find an interventionist who you trust and feel comfortable with – When you call Princeton Detox & Recovery Center we put you in touch with an interventionist who has a good track record and ample experience, but we never want you to feel as if you are locked in after the initial phone call. It’s important the person you end up working with is someone you feel comfortable opening up to and relying on.
- Provide information on your situation – It is a good idea to provide the interventionist with as many details as possible. When did the substance abuse disorder develop? Has your loved one experienced any major consequences as a direct result of their addiction? What chemical substances has your loved one been abusing? The answers to these questions help the interventionist understand what type of treatment is necessary and what to expect the day of the event.
- Form the group of people who are going to be present at the event – It’s important to only include people who have close personal relationships with the subject of the intervention; people who have been directly impacted by the addiction. It’s also a good idea to keep the intervention team rather small so you don’t overwhelm your loved one or make them feel ganged up on.

- Write letters to be read aloud at the event – These letters should detail the ways in which the addiction has impacted each person on an individual basis without seeming angry or threatening. It is a good idea to keep the letters matter-of-fact (of course, reading the letters aloud can be a very emotional process).
- Decide on specific boundaries and consequences – Every member of the intervention team outlines personal boundaries which are going to be enforced should their loved one refuse treatment. These boundaries might include things like, “If you refuse to enter into drug rehab today, you are no longer welcome to live in our house.” Or, “If you choose not to go to medical detox today we aren’t going to offer you any more financial support or continue paying your phone bill.” The interventionist is going to help you decide on the most appropriate consequences.
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- Hold the event – On the day of the event everyone gathers in a set location. Transportation for your loved one has been previously arranged, and when your loved one arrives at the location the letters are read aloud, the consequences and boundaries are laid out and the treatment options are presented. There are two potential outcomes; either your loved one accepts help and is immediately transported to the treatment facility, or they refuse help. If they refuse, do not despair. Many times individuals quickly come back around to accept the offer of treatment.
- Follow up with the interventionist – For several weeks after the intervention concludes the interventionist will check in with you regardless of the outcome. The interventionist is there to help you and your family heal and support you. If your loved one has accepted treatment, the interventionist often communicates with your loved one’s case manager to make sure the treatment process is going smoothly.
Help Your Loved One Recover Today
Watching a loved one struggle with active addiction can be completely devastating. Not only do you have to watch someone you care about deeply slowly destroy themselves, but your own mental and emotional well-being undeniably starts to suffer. Many of our Treatment Advisors have been exactly where you are now and have helped a loved one through the early recovery process. This provides them with unique insight and a compassionate perspective. As soon as you make the decision to help your loved one seek and receive the professional addiction treatment they deserve, the next step is reaching out. As soon as you contact us we will put you in touch with one of the professional interventionists in our network and they will begin working with you to develop a plan of action. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you and your loved one begin on a journey of physical, mental and emotional healing.