Highmark Health

Princeton Detox & Recovery Center is the tri-state area’s leading addiction detox center and, as such, we’ll manage your specific case with the individualized treatment plan that is most effective and beneficial for you. This includes working closely with your insurance provider to help cover the cost of treatment and ensure its affordability.

Highmark Health is one of several insurance providers accepted by Princeton Detox & Recovery Center. Your Highmark coverage may pay some costs of your inpatient treatment, outpatient services, and after care programs. Factors considered include past use of coverage for substance abuse treatment and inpatient mental health services, the details of your individualized treatment plan, and the stipulations of your specific Highmark plan.

Variables to Substance Abuse Treatment Costs May Include:

  • Past use of coverage for treatment
  • Detoxification medications needed
  • The length of your residential treatment stay
  • The details of your treatment and therapy plan
  • Your Highmark Health plan deductible and co-pay
  • Your Highmark summary of benefits and coverage (SBC)

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Highmark Health insures over 4.5 million Americans, primarily in West Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. The fourth largest Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliate, Highmark members have access to the BCBS network of doctors, hospitals and health care providers. The benefits of your Highmark Health plan may include Highmark Behavioral Health, which offers coverage specifically for mental health services, including substance abuse treatment.

Verify Highmark Health Insurance

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, mental and behavioral health services are now considered essential coverage and must be provided by all insurers. Highmark’s behavioral health network covers access to certified behavioral healthcare providers, including social workers, counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists.

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(888) 693-1769

Benefits of the Highmark Health Network Include

  • Access to Blue Cross Blue Shield facilities nationwide
  • Access to Behavioral Health providers at BCBS facilities nationwide
  • Plans that meet the Minimum Value Standard of 60% coverage
  • Plans that meet the Minimum Essential Coverage as required by the ACA

While some Highmark employer-based plans may differ, all individual Health Insurance Marketplace plans must provide coverage for substance abuse treatment and behavioral health counseling or inpatient services. Marketplace plans cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, nor can they place spending limits on substance abuse treatment services. To get the most from your health insurance plan, contact one of our Treatment Advisors at (888) 693-1769. At Princeton Detox & Recovery Center, we believe treatment should be affordable for everyone, and we will do everything we can to be as flexible as possible in working with your health insurance provider.

To best understand your Highmark Health benefits, call us with the following:

  • Prospective client’s full name and date of birth
  • Highmark policy holder’s name
  • Member ID or policy number
  • Type of plan
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With your full name, date of birth, policy name and member number, we can provide you with an understanding of your insurance benefits as they apply to your stay at the Princeton Detox & Recovery Center. Call (888) 693-1769 with your health insurance-related questions to see if your Highmark Health plan will provide coverage for your stay. Rest assured that we take your confidentiality seriously and adhere to all privacy and HIPAA regulations.